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     The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization with over 1.7 million members worldwide.  It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, and their Country, communities, families, individuals and youth in need of their support.  It is under the umbrella of the worldwide organization that Council 9113 provides its part in continuing the exemplary service of the Knights of Columbus.

     As a member of the Knights of Columbus you and your family enjoy many benefits, including the opportunity to grow in Faith through service to your parish, community and others.  You also have the opportunity to participate in the Order’s top-ranked insurance program which continually receives the highest possible ratings from Standard & Poor’s.  

     To keep you informed as to worldwide Knights activities and Catholic Church issues, members receive 12 free issues annually of Columbia magazine.  And last, but not least, is the enjoyment members receive in participating in the various Council family, social and youth activities occurring during the year.

Bound by the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism the Knights of Council 9113 have accomplished a great deal.  We can easily highlight our efforts in serving the Church, however our strength is in the efforts of our members in helping others in the community and beyond. Examples of work by our council are many-fold.  “Feed the Needy” at Christmas, blood drives, care packages to military men and women overseas, and support for the mentally and physically handicapped are but some of the programs we conduct every year.

Any Third Degree member of the Knights in good standing is also eligible for membership in the Fourth Degree.  The primary purpose of the Fourth Degree is to foster the spirit of patriotism by promoting responsible citizenship.  And to foster a love for and loyalty to Knights’ respective countries through membership in local groups (called “assemblies”) where such groups are active.  Fourth Degree members can also elect to serve as Honor Guards at civic and religious functions dressed in the distinctive regalia of that position.  This activity has brought worldwide recognition to the Knights of Columbus.


Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to practicing Catholic men in union with the Holy See, who are at least 18 years old.  A practicing Catholic is one who lives up to the Commandments of God and the precepts of the Church.  All men who meet this basic requirement and who desire to serve others are welcome to join.

Anyone interested in joining the Knights and Council 9113 can obtain an Application Form from any member Knight, one of the Council Officers listed in these web pages, or by requesting the Application via an email to


     The Knight’s wives also have the opportunity to join the Ladies Auxiliary. The Ladies Auxiliary’s support the Council by assisting at their various events and providing monetary help when possible, and they also conduct unique programs independently in support of the parish. Council 9113’s Ladies Auxiliary has been very active in this regard.

     They have assisted at the Knight’s primary fund raising events (the annual Frank Lang Golf Outing and Shoes at the Shore, for example) and have provided monetary support towards worthwhile charities. They have also conducted a scholarship program and conducted other activities independent of the Knight’s programs. They are very active in supporting projects that enrich the religious life of the St Maximillian Kolbe Parish.

     Wives of member Knights are encouraged to join and actively participate in the Ladies Auxiliary. It is not only rewarding to contribute to the community and church but a great social environment to enjoy.


     Under the guidance of Christian Brother Barnabas McDonald (1865-1929), the first Columbian Squires circle was instituted in 1925. Membership in the Squires is for Catholic boys between the ages of 12 and 17. Squires’ activities are many, varying from spiritual to active service for the Church and community. Each circle elects officer members from their own rank, teaching skills of leadership and responsibility.

(NOTE: Council 9113 does not presently have a Squires circle)

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